Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Meal Allowance - Conciliation staff

Above is a reproduced image of the original memo from Steve Hornby at Jarvis Rail, subject meal allowance for conciliation staff, dated the 1st of July 2004.
This agreement came about following the implementation of the restructuring agreement, this lead the abolition of Non-Enhancement-Payments to staff(protected staff). The NEP payments came about, because staff working beyond a certain distance of their home depot or local patch could claim a daily meal allowance under BR, with the transition to the private sector(Fastline). NEP replaced the need for staff to claim it with the company automatically paying a weekly amount based on the previous claims of an individual, most staff were working off the regular patch by this time regularly, this could be £4 to £10 a week. The restructuring agreement didn't take account of the protected status of some staff in this respect, and as a result some staff were financially disadvantaged by its abolition. A small loss on any given week but it mounted up, the above agreement on the subject of meal allowance went some way to addressing the matter.
Also the figure given in the memo above had been increased, the last I heard was that staff could claim £7 without a tax receipt and get fully reimbursed, anything over £7 needed a tax receipt in order to get fully reimbursed. This was because even in a "Chippy", a fiver doesn't get you much, and it gradually got you less and less. Also with a lot of your little "Chippies" and similar places, you'd be lucky just to get a till receipt let alone a receipt with a VAT number on it. Also in a lot of places, a "Chippy" doesn't exist or is shut, you are left with perhaps a "Pizza place" or a "Chinky" and a fiver gets you even less in some those places. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to come up with anything in black and white confirming that fact, it looks like the increase was communicated verbally to everyone. A fact that is true of many things, not just this, many things agreed over the years were on a verbal basis and its difficult to prove.

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