Monday, 29 June 2009

PSM Reorganisation and likely redundancy options!

The following information is as accurate as I can make it based on what little is known of the current position as it stands. It compares the voluntary positions as they stand with what could be the possible complusory positions for both staff covered by PT&R and those not.


This is the proposed matrix, where your age and length of service converge, you'll see a figure. Multiply your basic weekly rate of pay by this figure and subtract

The resultant figure should be indicative of what you can expect to receive as a voluntary redundancy payment. This matrix is for staff were PT&R is

AmeyColas were originally figuring on a level of about 50% of what is shown in this matrix, but have apparently noved on that original position up until a new position of 75%, where they seem likely not to budge from.

Example is for an SM1 step 7, who is 53 years of age, and has 31 years service in. Under this matrix the initial figure is :

$64,640 = 101 weeks standard pay.
Subtract 25%
£48,480 is the final figure.



For redundancy payments where PT&R is applicable. (NUR Redundancy and resettlement arrangements, Conciliation & Salaried staff British
Railways, September 1985)

Option 2 comes in two parts.

Part 1

A = Basic weekly rate of pay multiplied by B = completed number years of service up to a maximum of 25 years. Multiply this by 2.5 which will give you the first part of the redundancy payment for option 1.
....x B
= sub-total
...x 2.5
= total

Example is for an SM1 step 7, who is 53 years of age, and has 31 years service in.

A = £640
B = 25
x 2.5


Part 2

A supplementary payment equal to one weeks standard pay (A) for every completed year of service after 40 years of age (B).

....x B

Example is for an SM1 step 7, who is 53 years of age, and has 31 years service in.

A = £640
B = x 13
= £8,320

Add the two totals from part 1 and 2 together, this is the amount you can expect under option 2

Example is for an SM1 step 7, who is 53 years of age, and has 31 years service in.

Part 1 = £40,000
Part 2 = £8,320
Total £48,320



Part 1
Use the statutory matrix below to calculate the number of weeks pay depending on your age and length of service up to a maximum of 20 years. £350 is the current statutory maximum of a weeks pay. The resultant figure forms the first part of your redundancy pay under option 3.

Statutory redundundancy matrix. Click on image to enlarge.

Example is for an SM1 step 7, who is 53 years of age, and has 31 years service in.

x 26
= £9,100


Part 2

A supplementary payment of one weeks standard pay (A) for each completed year of service in excess or 15 years (B) or the age of 45 ( C), whichever
is the greater.

x B or C
= total

Example is for an SM1 step 7, who is 53 years of age, and has 31 years service in.

A= £640
B = x 16
= £10,240


Part 3

An amount equal to 40 per cent of part 1 and part 2

Example is for an SM1 step 7, who is 53 years of age, and has 31 years service in.

40% of part 1 = £3,640
40% of part 2 = £4,096
Combined total = £7,736

Add the three totals from part 1 and 2 and 3 together, this is the amount you can expect under option 3

Example is for an SM1 step 7, who is 53 years of age, and has 31 years service in.

Part 1 = £9,100
Part 2 = £10,240
Part 3 = £7,736
Combined total = £27,076



Option 4 is Voluntary Redundancy for staff not covered by PT&R.

For each year of completed service up to a maximum of 20 years, £1,000 for each year.

Years service / Amount
1 / £1,000
2 / £2,000
3 / £3,000
4 / £4,000
5 / £5,000
6 / £6,000
7 / £7,000
8 / £8,000
9 / £9,000
10 / £10,000
11 / £11,000
12 / £12,000
13 / £13,000
14 / £14,000
15 / £15,000
16 / £16,000
17 / £17,000
18 / £18,000
19 / £19,000
20 / £20,000


Option 5

Option 5 is for staff not covered by PT&R in the event of compulsory redundancy.

Use the statutory matrix below to calculate the number of weeks pay depending on your age and length of service up to a maximum of 20 years. £350 is the current statutory maximum of a weeks pay. The resultant figure forms the first part of your redundancy pay under option 5.

Statutory redundundancy matrix. Click on image to enlarge.

Example is for an individual, who is 53 years of age, and has 31 years service in.

x 26
= £9,100

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

PSM Re-Org details obtained from a Brother!

Click on images to enlarge them.

Reasoning behind the need for re-organisation.

Reasoning behind the need for re-organisation.

Initially propsed timescales for key events in the consultation and selection process.

Details of posts under threat.

Post vacancies existing and newly created following re-organisation.


Organisational chart for the new structure.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

PSM Reorganisation

Monday, 18 May 09

In accordance with Section 188 of the Trade Union & Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, it is with regret that you are informed you of proposals to make redundancies within Amey Services Limited of some employees of Amey Services Limited who have been engaged in the AmeyColas joint venture business.

This letter therefore commences the start of our formal consultation process with you, and given the numbers of employees who will potentially be at risk (subject of course to the outcome of the consultation process), the consultation period is set at a minimum of 30 days. We understand that you and the other employee representatives to whom this letter has also been sent will represent the interests of all potentially affected employees who may be at risk of redundancy as a result of these proposals.

The proposals apply to employees of Amey Services Limited who work within AmeyColas, our Track Renewals joint venture business which operates in the Network Rail territories of London North West (LNW) and Western (GW). We believe that these territories form two separate establishments, but for the purposes of consultation we intend to consult regarding the two establishments concurrently.

The reasons for the proposed dismissals.

The business reasons for these proposals are as a direct result of the decision by Network Rail to reduce their workbank volumes by 40% in comparison to those previously supplied. This was to achieve an overall cost saving in the current financial year of 28%.

The total number of employees of any such description employed by the employer at the establishment in question.

Following careful consideration of the impact of this decision to Amey by Network Rail, and the resulting dramatically reduced workbank, it has become apparent that our current employee headcount numbers within the two establishments cannot be sustained.

We propose to put a total of 52 Amey Services employees at risk of redundancy within the Project Specific Management functions (PSM) of AmeyColas, to include 28 within the London North West territory and 24 within the Western territory.

The numbers and descriptions of employees whom it is proposed to dismiss as redundant.

The specific numbers and descriptions of the roles proposed as redundant from each establishment are detailed below.

London North West – total Amey and Colas PSM headcount = 107:

1 Site Manager Bicester

1 Technical Engineer Bicester

1 Construction Manager Bicester

1 Site Supervisor Bicester

1 Site Supervisor Bicester

1 Supervisor Bicester

1 Engineer Smethwick

1 Site Supervisor Smethwick

1 Senior Supervisor Smethwick

1 Supervisor Smethwick

1 Supervisor Smethwick

1 Field Administrator Smethwick

1 Senior Engineer Smethwick

1 Technical Engineer Smethwick

1 Possession Planner Smethwick

1 Resource Co-ordinator Duddeston

1 Supervisor Duddeston

1 Site Supervisor Duddeston

1 Site Supervisor Duddeston

1 SEQ Advisor Duddeston

1 Site Manager Duddeston

1 Labour Co-Ordinator Bletchley

1 OTM Planner Bletchley

1 Safety Advisor Bletchley

1 Lead Engineer Bletchley

1 Assistant Project Manager Bletchley

2 Trainer/ Assessors Lichfield

Western - total Amey and Colas PSM headcount = 139:

- Exeter (where we propose to close the depot)

9 Site Managers

1 Senior Site Manager,

1 Technical Clerk,

1 Team Organiser

1 Area Planner

1 Technical Engineer

1 Area Signalling Engineer

1 Area P-Way Engineer

- Bristol

1 Strategic Resource Planner,

1 Train Planner,

1 Training Co-ordinator,

1 Track Quality Specialist,

1 Purchase Ledger Clerk,

1 Project Engineer

1 Engineering Manager

- Sutton Courtney

1 Engineering Manager.

During the consultation period, we fully intend to consider any and all proposals you may have to avoid / reduce the number of potential redundancies and to mitigate the effect of any potential dismissals. In this regard we would want to explore with you, amongst any other ideas, the possibility of unpaid leave, reduced working hours, redeployment and voluntary redundancy.

The proposed method of selecting employees who may be dismissed.

In the event that consultations are exhausted and redundancies are still required, we would propose to use a competency based interviewing selection process (please see attached). This interview process would evaluate competence against required standards for each role and would be conducted through a consistent, formal interview process using any other supporting evidence also available.

The proposed method of carrying out the dismissals, with due regard to any agreed procedure, including the period over which the dismissals are to take effect and the proposed method of calculating the amount of any redundancy payments

In line with the 30 day consultation period set out above, we anticipate that any potential redundancies would take effect from 19 June 2009. Affected individuals would be paid the appropriate redundancy package, which will vary due to the differences of individual terms and conditions that will be inclusive of all statutory entitlements as applicable.

In light of the above, I would suggest that we urgently convene a formal face to face consultation meeting with you and the other appropriate representatives. I understand you will be available on 27 May. Please therefore confirm to me your availability at your earliest opportunity. I will chair the meeting on behalf of Amey, supported by Lisa Maher,

HR Director, Diversity and Simon Bunn, Business Director Track Renewals. I anticipate that you will want to bring along at least one other appropriate representative with you to any future consultation meetings. Please also confirm to me the name of who may also be attending, as soon as possible.

I would also suggest that we establish from the outset a principle of open communications to our staff / your members where possible. In this regard Amey is keen to brief our staff as soon as possible and we therefore invite discussion as to the content of any such brief as an urgent topic for discussion.

Finally, given the timing of these proposals, we may wish to utilise our planned Rail Company Council meeting on 29 May to continue consultations regarding our proposed redundancies. Perhaps you could let me have your views on this also and dates of future consultation meetings generally.

It is with regret that the company is taking these steps, however, in the current economic climate and based on the workbank reductions within the AmeyColas business it is unfortunately unavoidable.

PSM Reorganisation LNW

I attended the staff briefing on the PSM Reorganisation / LNW at Bletchley depot today. Everything that was revealed wasn't a surprise, its been expected to come at some point. But even so, it's stunned people, and the realisation is sinking in that a good few of them will be out of a job shortly.

Numerous questions were asked and some answer's given to some of them, though not many. They said that they'll set up a single point of contact for questions from affected staff, that they may have over the coming days. Not every questions possible immediately pop's into one's mind at the time, they said that they would come back with answers to as many of the questions as is possible. All the job losses as you know so far, are confined to those in office posts, techs, SM's and the like. 11 supervisor posts out of 17 supervisor posts going at Bletchley, and that just them, its quite a major hit.

There were questions on whether staff who reapplied for the post's they were in, would stay on their T&C's. There wasn't an answer given to that one, one way or they other. Another question was that, staff reapplying for available post's, would seniority be a major factor in the selection of who gets the post? This got a distinctly negative answer, with skills and attributes that a candidate could bring to the role being stated as the optimum qualities that they'd look for. Would they seek voluntary redundancies first? No clear answer. These and many more were asked, and I'm sure more will be asked over the coming days.

So far, no impact at all on the gangs is foreseen. Which is a good sign, though I'm not sure how long that'll last for with the number of us being left at home because there is no work for us to do? Cant see it lasting like this for a great length of time.

The possibility of the need to enter into talks to harmonise T&C's was stated as being very likely by Cheryl Smith at some stage in the future, yesterday during a brief phone conversation with her about today's meeting.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Workbank Cut's!

Above is a copy of a letter sent out to member's on the subject of the announcement by Network Rail that it was cutting job's from the work banks of all the renewals companies this year.

The money that Network Rail has allocated for this renewals work is guaranteed 100%, but they have decided to defer this work until a later date. The present credit crunch has little if anything to do with it whatsoever. Some view it as a tactic on the part of Network Rail to drive costs ever further down across the renewals sector, to force companies to turn the screws further on their worker by changing to worse terms and conditions etc, which suit Network Rails own desires. And when they figure the costs and terms and conditions etc are right, then they'll take it all back in house.

For our member's the immediate problem is that it's unlikely that any company will carry a sizeable segment of its workforce for a significant length of time when its got no work for it whatsoever. Redundancies seem an almost inevitable result of the Network Rail announcement, which is why we must do all we can do to fight this.

Amey Welder's Update!

Above is a copy of a letter to member's updating them on the situation regarding the pending dispute with Amey over redundancies within Amey's welder's section. An agreement was eventually reached on the matter and the dispute was satisfactorily resolved without the need of action. It was just a pity that it couldn't have been sorted a lot earlier than the eleventh hour, but it went down to the wire. Our members held firm, showing support for their welding colleagues.

If it hadn't been resolved satisfactorily, it would have boded ill for the future.

Update to the Christmas Working payment issue

For those interested, members of Amey's and Colas paybill's were in Bicester to answer the queries of staff on payments for Christmas working. Though it was a week later than originally planned due to bad weather. They were available for most of the day, not everyone who had questions on the subject of Christmas working or other queries relating to pay were able to attend. Some staff were unfortunately on nights.

Anyway, on the principal issue on payments for working over the Xmas period. The few Amey payslip's I have personally seen from Amey staff appear to show that they have been paid correctly, I think much of the concern for them stemmed from a difficulty in reading the Amey payslips in the first place, they are not exactly what you would call crystal. And secondly, they became concerned when their colleagues from Colas starting kicking off shortly after Christmas about the payments. So on the face of it, for Amey staff it appears not to be an issue, merely the difficulty in deciphering their payslips and the reaction of their Colas colleagues combined to make them assume the worse.

As for the Colas staff, it would seem as there is still to be an issue, whether it can be resolved by further clarification and discussion remains to be seen. I haven't spoken with my esteemed colleague Mr Berry on the subject to find out what his perception on the Colas side was, but there would seem to be enough feedback from other Colas members to indicate that some question remain in this area.

So on the whole, the visit from paybills has been a partial success at least, it put the minds of some to rest over the matter, which is better than the situation was before it happened.

A one Cheryl Smith from HR was key mover in making it happen, she was appointed to deal with issues concerning the joint venture. As such, she has a foot in each camp so to speak, which in itself is no easy task. She's not the first to tackle the task of dealing with issues concerning the joint venture, but she appears to be the first to make some headway in the area whereas some of her predecessor's simple bulked at the prospect. For those that don't know her role in the matter, I would like to say thank you on their behalf.

Bob Farley

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Circular 12th of Feb 2009

AGM item 13 circular. It calls for transparency in pay negotiation, keeping our members fully informed as possible, not making promises that can't be kept.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Breaking news!

Letter sent to member's following failure to resolve an issue that has been pending for some time with Amey welders. Always a regretable point to reach, not a course of action anyone relishes, but it's resolution or not, has implications for us all.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Meal Allowance - Conciliation staff

Above is a reproduced image of the original memo from Steve Hornby at Jarvis Rail, subject meal allowance for conciliation staff, dated the 1st of July 2004.
This agreement came about following the implementation of the restructuring agreement, this lead the abolition of Non-Enhancement-Payments to staff(protected staff). The NEP payments came about, because staff working beyond a certain distance of their home depot or local patch could claim a daily meal allowance under BR, with the transition to the private sector(Fastline). NEP replaced the need for staff to claim it with the company automatically paying a weekly amount based on the previous claims of an individual, most staff were working off the regular patch by this time regularly, this could be £4 to £10 a week. The restructuring agreement didn't take account of the protected status of some staff in this respect, and as a result some staff were financially disadvantaged by its abolition. A small loss on any given week but it mounted up, the above agreement on the subject of meal allowance went some way to addressing the matter.
Also the figure given in the memo above had been increased, the last I heard was that staff could claim £7 without a tax receipt and get fully reimbursed, anything over £7 needed a tax receipt in order to get fully reimbursed. This was because even in a "Chippy", a fiver doesn't get you much, and it gradually got you less and less. Also with a lot of your little "Chippies" and similar places, you'd be lucky just to get a till receipt let alone a receipt with a VAT number on it. Also in a lot of places, a "Chippy" doesn't exist or is shut, you are left with perhaps a "Pizza place" or a "Chinky" and a fiver gets you even less in some those places. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to come up with anything in black and white confirming that fact, it looks like the increase was communicated verbally to everyone. A fact that is true of many things, not just this, many things agreed over the years were on a verbal basis and its difficult to prove.

Friday, 23 January 2009


The following is information from the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. It details the statutory minimums on the subject of redundancy, such would hopefully be improved upon through existing collective agreements on the subject for some staff. Others may not be as lucky.

Redundancy Payments: Ready Reckoner

The redundancy payment due to each employee under the statutory redundancy payment scheme depends on his or her age and length of service (up to twenty years). This determines the number of weeks pay due, which is then subject to a limit on weekly pay.

To calculate the number of weeks pay due, you should use the following amounts –

0.5 week’s pay for each full year of service where age during year less than 22
1.0 week’s pay for each full year of service where age during year is 22 or above, but less than 41
1.5 weeks’ pay for each full year of service where age during year is 41+

Ready Reckoner for calculating the number of weeks' pay due

Click on image to enlarge.

Redundancy entitlement statutory rights: a guide for employees


This document gives general information about the redundancy payments scheme under the Employment Rights Act 1996 (referred to as 'the Act' in this document). It outlines provisions relating to time off to look for work or to make arrangements for training when facing redundancy and explains how a complaint is settled.

This document is not a complete or authoritative statement of the law; only the courts can provide that. If in doubt, you should seek your own independent legal advice.

The Redundancy Payments Offices can give you more information about entitlement in cases where an employer fails to pay a statutory redundancy payment for which an employee qualifies.


There is a helpline to answer your questions. The number to ring is 0845 145 0004 (calls are charged at local rates).

Redundancy payments

When is a redundancy payment due?

Your employer must give you a lump-sum payment if:

you are made redundant;
you have at least two years continuous service; and
you meet the other conditions set out in this document.
You may also be entitled to other - non-statutory - payments if this has been agreed in your contract of employment.

* - In 2005 the Government looked at whether the statutory redundancy payments scheme would be compliant with the Age strand of the Employment Directive and concluded that the age bands are objectively justified. Evidence the Government has gathered demonstrates that younger, prime age and older workers fall into three distinct economic categories, with older workers facing a particularly difficult position in the employment market. Young workers tend not to be out of work for long, and see only a small fall in pay when switching jobs. Older workers are much more likely to become long-term unemployed, and to experience a substantial fall in pay when finding a new job. Prime age workers fall into the middle. The Government believes that it is sensible for the level of support provided through the scheme to reflect these three categories. However the Government concluded that the upper and lower age limits in the scheme could not be justified and under The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, the lower age limit of 18, the upper age limit of 65 and the taper at 64 will not apply to employees dismissed on or after 1 October 2006.

Who can qualify?

You will receive payment only if you are an employee working under a contract of employment. Self-employed people and members of a partnership do not qualify under the Act though they may have separate contractual agreements.

Directors and other office holders may be employees if they work under a contract of employment. They will not qualify if they do not work under a contract of employment.

Contracts of employment may be spoken or written and last for any length of time or be fixed. In law, employees generally have a contract as soon as they start work and by doing so prove that they accept the conditions offered by the employer.

For further details see: Contracts of employment: changes, breach of contract and deductions from wages.

A few groups of employees do not qualify for a statutory redundancy payment. See Employees who may not be entitled to a redundancy payment
What 'dismissal' means

In general, to be due a payment, you must have been dismissed by your employer rather than have resigned and the reason for dismissal must have been redundancy.

If you are laid off (that is, you receive no wages) or put on short time (that is, you receive less than half a week's pay) for four weeks in a row or six weeks out of 13 weeks, you may also claim a redundancy payment without waiting to be dismissed for redundancy. You must make your claim in writing to your employer, who may refuse to pay if he or she believes normal working is likely to return within four weeks.

If you are on a fixed-term contract and it ends without being renewed, this counts as a dismissal and you may be due a redundancy payment.

If your employer says that redundancies will be needed and asks for volunteers you will qualify for a payment if you volunteer, as long as your employer actually dismisses you.

If your employer changes in circumstances covered by the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006, your contract of employment will be transferred automatically to the new employer. You have the right to tell the new or previous employer that you do not want to be transferred. However, this will be treated as a resignation, and you will not be entitled to a redundancy payment. The document A guide to the 2006 TUPE Regulations for employees, employers and representatives explains the Regulations.

If you have been given notice of redundancy, you may leave early by agreement with the employer and still qualify for payment. But the minimum period of notice which the employer has to give (by contract or by law) must have started by the time you give your notice.

What 'redundancy' means

You will be entitled to a payment under the Act only if the reason for your dismissal is redundancy. This means that your dismissal must be caused by your employer's need to reduce his or her workforce. Redundancy may happen because a work place is closing down, or because fewer employees are (or are expected to be) needed for work of a particular kind. Normally your job must have disappeared. It is not redundancy if your employer immediately takes on a direct replacement for you. But it will not matter if your employer is recruiting more workers for work of a different kind, or in another location (unless you were required by contract to move to the new location).

If you are dismissed because of a need to reduce the work force, and one of the remaining employees moves into your job, you will still qualify for a redundancy payment so long as no vacancy exists in the area (type of work and location) where you worked.

General rules on length of service

You must generally have at least two years' continuous service with your employer to qualify for a payment. The rules on length of continuous service are described briefly in the What are the payments? section and in more detail in Continuous employment and a week's pay: rules for calculation

If you are offered a new job

You may well not be entitled to a payment if you are offered a new job with the same employer, an associated employer or an employer who takes over the business. But if the new job is with the same or an associated employer you will only lose the redundancy payment only if the new job is offered before your old employment contract expires, and starts within four weeks.

If you are offered a new job in this way you can put off the decision whether or not to accept it for a four-week trial period. Or if you need retraining, the trial period may be extended beyond four weeks by written agreement between you and your employer. If at the end of the trial period you are still in the job, you will be considered to have accepted it.

If the new job is not a suitable alternative to the old one (because of differences in capacity, location or terms and conditions of the contract of employment) and you turn it down before the end of the trial period, you will be considered to have been redundant from the date your original employment ended. But if you refuse an offer of a job that is a suitable alternative without a good reason, you will not be entitled to a redundancy payment.

Disputes about payments

If you and your employer disagree about whether or not you should receive a redundancy payment, or about the amount you should receive, an employment tribunal can decide.

What are the payments?

The amount of your lump-sum redundancy payment depends on:

how long you have been continuously employed by your employer;
how your years of continuous service relate to a particular age band; and
your weekly pay, up to a legal limit.
The amount of redundancy pay will be calculated as –

0.5 week’s pay for each full year of service where age during year less than 22
1.0 week’s pay for each full year of service where age during year is 22 or above, but less than 41
1.5 weeks’ pay for each full year of service where age during year is 41+

How to work out your length of service

The maximum number of years continuous service that can be counted for statutory redundancy payments purposes is 20. Length of continuous service is counted backwards from the 'relevant date'. This is generally the date on which the notice given to you ends. But if your employer gives you less than the legal minimum notice, the extra notice which you should have been given is added on. If under your contract of employment you were entitled to a longer period of notice, and you received this notice but did not work it, the date up to which your continuous service is counted may be later still.

Certain absences - for example, caused by sickness, pregnancy or temporary shortage of work - can count towards continuous service even if your contract of employment was suspended.

When working out your continuous service for a redundancy payment remember that days lost through industrial disputes do not count (although they do not actually break the continuous service). Any days you were on strike will be taken away from your total length of service.

If you are not sure, see Continuous employment and a week's pay: rules for calculation.

What a 'week's pay' means

The amount of a week's pay to be taken into account is the amount you are entitled to under the terms of your contract of employment on the 'calculation date'.

The calculation date for your redundancy payment will generally be one of the following:

The date you were given the minimum notice required by law. This notice is usually one week for each year of service up to a maximum of 12 weeks.

If the notice you received was longer than this minimum, the date on which minimum notice would have had to have been given to end your employment on the same day as it actually ended.

The date the job ended, if you were not given notice or were not given enough notice.
If you had normal working hours and your pay did not change, for example with the amount of work you did, your week's pay is simply your basic weekly wage or salary. Overtime earnings are not included unless overtime was part of your normal working hours.

If your earnings changed from one week to another because of piecework or productivity bonus arrangements, your week's pay is worked out by multiplying the number of hours you normally worked in a week by your average hourly earnings over the 12 complete weeks of work before the calculation date. Only hours actually worked are taken into account. If the hours used in the calculation include hours outside normal working hours and paid at higher rates, the higher rate is ignored and the hours are worked out at the normal basic rate.

If your normal working hours varied from week to week because of shift work, and your earnings varied as a result, a similar calculation is done but the average hourly earnings are multiplied by the average weekly hours over the same 12 weeks. If you had no fixed working hours, your week's pay will be your average weekly earnings in the 12 weeks before the calculation date.

There is a limit on the amount of a week's pay that can be taken into account in working out your entitlement. The limit changes annually in line with the retail prices index (up or down) as appropriate. For details of current limits on payments, see the document Limits on payments - Guidance. The weekly limit was £330. But from the 2nd February 2009 the weekly limit was increased to £350.

What if my employer cannot pay?

If your employer is insolvent, we will pay you and claim back the payment from the assets of the business. Ask your employer's representative (for example: liquidator, receiver or trustee) for a claim form "RP1". Fill it in as soon as possible after your employment has ended and send it to the Redundancy Payments Office.

How to claim a payment: time limits

Under the Act, your employer must make the payment when or soon after you are dismissed. There is no need for you to make a claim unless your employer does not pay or says that you are not entitled to a payment. If this happens, you should write to your employer asking for payment or take the matter to an employment tribunal, or both. You must act within six months of the date your employment ended.

If you do not make a written claim, or do not apply to an employment tribunal within six months, you may lose the right to a payment. But a tribunal will still have the power to decide that you should receive a payment if you take action within a further six months.

If your employer is declared insolvent, or cannot or refuses to pay, and you have done everything you can to get your payment, you can apply to us for a direct payment from the National Insurance Fund. But you must have applied in writing to your employer for a payment within six months of the date your employment ended, or applied successfully to an employment tribunal within the six months after that.

Your pension

Pensions may not be offset against statutory redundancy payments made to employees dismissed on or after 1 October 2006.


You will not pay income tax on a statutory redundancy payment though other redundancy payments you receive from your employer may be taxable - see Inland Revenue leaflet Redundancy factsheet. Normally your employer may set the payments against tax as business expense (for further details, see the Inspectors manual - or after mid-2003 the Business income manual - in the Publications section of the HM Revenue and Customs (formerly Inland Revenue) website.

Jobseeker’s Allowance

A statutory redundancy payment will have no effect on any entitlement you may have to contribution-based Jobseeker's Allowance.

If you die, or your employer dies

If your employer is the only owner of the business and the business stops trading because he or she dies, his or her personal representative is responsible for any redundancy payments due. If the representative carries on the business and offers you a new job which is acceptable and starts within eight weeks, you will not be entitled to a redundancy payment. If you die before you receive your redundancy payment, the payment will be made to your personal representative. There are also special rules about what happens if you or your employer dies while you are laid off or on short time. The Redundancy Payments Office can give more information.

Employees who may not be entitled to a redundancy payment

The following categories of employees have no right to a redundancy payment under the Act:

Members of the Armed Forces.
House of Lords and House of Commons staff.
Apprentices whose service ends at the end of the apprenticeship contract.
Employees at the end of a fixed term contract which was agreed, renewed or extended before 1 October 2002 and lasts at least two years where they have already given written agreement to waive their entitlement to a redundancy payment at the end of the contract. Any waivers inserted into contracts agreed, renewed or extended after 1 October 2002 will not be valid and fixed-term employees will have a right to statutory redundancy payments if they have been continuously employed for two years or more and are made redundant - see Fixed term work: a guide to the regulations.
Domestic servants working in a private home who are members of the employer's immediate close family.
Share fishermen paid only by a share in the proceeds of the catch.
Crown servants or employees in a public office.
Employees of the Government of an overseas territory.
Employment in Northern Ireland for the same employer, an associated employer or an employer who takes over the business can be counted, as long as there was no break in service. Employment in Great Britain can count towards a redundancy payment under Northern Ireland law.

Applying to an employment tribunal

If you disagree with your employer about your entitlement to a redundancy payment, you can take the matter to an employment tribunal. You can do this at any time. But you may lose your right to a payment if you do not take certain steps within six months of the day your job ends, or the date any new job ends with your employer, an associated employer or an employer who takes over the business. If you have made a written claim to your employer or contacted an employment tribunal within six months, you cannot lose your right to a payment because of delay.
If you do not take any of the steps mentioned above within the first six months, but take one of those steps within the following six months, the employment tribunal may still decide that you should receive a payment. They will consider the reason for the delay and all the circumstances.
If you want to apply to a tribunal please ask at a Jobcentre Plus office for a form IT1 and leaflet or phone the Helpline 0845 145 0004.
When you apply to an employment tribunal, you should name your employer as 'respondent' on the application form. If your employer is insolvent, you should add the words 'in receivership’ or in liquidation’ to your employer's name as appropriate. You should give the name and address of the receiver or liquidator separately, if you know it.
If the tribunal awards you a redundancy payment, but you do not receive it, ask the Redundancy Payments Office for advice.

Time off for job hunting or to arrange training when facing redundancy

An employee who is given notice of dismissal because of redundancy is entitled to reasonable time off with pay during working hours to look for another job or make arrangements for training for future employment. The time off must be allowed during the period of notice.

Employees are entitled to time off in this way only if they have had two years' continuous employment with their employer on the date their notice expires or the date when the statutory minimum period of notice due under the legislation expires, whichever is the later.

For an explanation of the meaning of "continuous employment", or in case of difficulty in deciding on the length of continuous employment, see Continuous employment and a week's pay: rules for calculation.

If the business or part of the business has been transferred from one employer to another, see A guide to the 2006 TUPE Regulations.

People not covered by the provisions

Certain workers are not covered, either because they are not employees, or because they are already covered by other arrangements, or because their terms and conditions of employment make the application of the provisions inappropriate. These are:

anyone who is not an employee an independent contractor or freelance agent;
members of the police service and armed forces;
masters and crew members engaged in share fishing who are paid solely by a share in the profits or gross earnings of a fishing vessel;
merchant seamen.
Amount of time off

An employer should allow the employee reasonable time off. The legislation does not specify what is reasonable since this will vary with the differing circumstances of employers and employees. Some employees may need only to attend one interview or make one visit. Others may have to make a number of visits, some of which may involve travelling some distance.

Payment for time off

Employees should be paid the appropriate hourly rate for the period of absence from work but an employer does not have to pay more than two-fifths of a week's pay, regardless of the length of time off allowed. This is arrived at by dividing the amount of a week's pay by the number of normal working hours in the week. The method of calculation is similar to that used for computing redundancy payments. The week's pay is calculated by reference to a date known as 'the calculation date'. In computing pay for time off to look for work or arrange training, this date is the one on which notice was given by the employer.

An employer does not have to pay more than once for the same period. Any payment already made under an employee's contract of employment for a period of time off to look for work will be offset against the employer's liability under the provisions. If payment has been made by an employer for time off to look for work under the provisions, this will reduce any liability under the contract of employment.

Making a complaint

Employees who are unreasonably refused time off by their employers have a right to be paid the amount they would have been entitled to receive had they been allowed time off, subject to a limit of two-fifths of a week's pay. An employee can complain to an employment tribunal in cases where the employer refuses either to allow time off or to make the appropriate payment. A complaint should be made within three months of the date on which time off should have been allowed, but employment tribunals have discretion to accept complaints made after the three-month period if they consider that it was not reasonably practicable for the employee to make the complaint earlier.

An employee who wishes to complain to a tribunal should obtain a form IT1 or IT1 (Scot) in Scotland which is included in the explanatory leaflet How to apply to an Employment Tribunal, available from any Jobcentre Plus office and Citizens Advice Bureau.


The tribunal will send a copy of the completed form to the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) who may attempt to get both sides to settle the complaint without the need for a tribunal hearing.

The services of an Acas conciliator will also be available in the absence of a formal complaint on form IT1, at the request of the employee or employer. In such a case the employee or employer can get in touch with a conciliator through an office of Acas. Information given to conciliators in the course of their duties will be treated as confidential. It may not be divulged to the tribunal without the consent of the person who gave it.

Tribunal hearing

If no settlement is reached the tribunal will hear the case. Tribunal hearings are conducted informally. Both parties should attend and may claim travelling and other expenses, including loss of earnings. The parties can be represented by anyone they wish, including a representative of a trade union or employer's association. It is not necessary to engage a solicitor, but there is no objection to either party doing so if legal representation is preferred. Tribunal proceedings are conducted in such a way as to make it easy for individuals to conduct their own case if they wish.


Where the tribunal is satisfied that a complaint is justified, it will order the employer to pay the employee the money, or the balance of the money, due.


A helpline is available to answer any of your queries, no matter where in England, Scotland or Wales your firm is based. The number to ring is 0845 145 0004.

Once your claim has been sent to the appropriate Redundancy Payments Office above you can phone the officer dealing with your case at that office.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Amey promise on Christmas working apparently broken!

The promise on Christmas working of double time and a day in lieu for staff working Christmas Day and Boxing Day appears to have been completely broken. With management apparently deciding to backtrack, and reinterpret what they had offered and how it would be paid.

See earlier items on the subject, management stated clearly that they were offering double time PLUS a day in lieu. Its certainly clear, and I cant see how anyone reading it would think differently.

Staff found that they had been docked eight hours pay for each of the lieu days earned, this equates to roughly the equivalent of time and a third PLUS a day in lieu for the shifts concerned.

This issue has been communicated to our union, and hopefully its far from a dead duck, so with luck there might be something to report later on this matter. It certainly does little to foster good feeling amongst the workforce.

Massive Cuts in the workbank at Amey.

Below is a scanned copy of a letter from Network Rail to Amey, detailing proposed cuts in the workbank for 2009 - 2010. Similar cuts are happening to other renewals companies, how long this situation will remain like this is anyones guess. It certainly could mean redundancies. What the inplications are for safety in the long term is also a question that springs to mind? Also how much of this type of work is likely to be undertaken as "heavy maintenance" by Network Rail itself?

These last two show the before and after workbank for Bedford office.